Application Design and Overview
Managing Tasks and Notes
You can create a Task or Note in any folder, in your unfiled Items, or on your To Dolist by simply tapping the add button on the top right in the view you want to add the item to. Completed (checked) notes and To Dos will be auto archivedperiodically using the preference you set, can be purged from any folder or goal by selecting the Archive Completed Items in their Options menu. You can also archive an item by editing the items and set the Archived option to ON (see Archiving and Deleting Itemsfor more information on removing items).
Creating Notes
When you first create a note, you will first be asked to set the text. Once you are ready (you must type at least two characters), you can Continue, and if you wish set the priority and more for the note, just like a To Do. The title is automatically generated for you from the body of your note. You can change the title without changing the contents of the note.
Creating To Dos
You have a number of features available to you when creating a To Do, but you are not required to use any feature other than the title. Once you have the title you wish, simply hit the Save buttonon the top right, or press the Return buttonon the keyboard to make use of any of the other features (see Priority, Work Time, Star and More... for details on the features of To Dos and notes).
Editing To Do's and Notes
It is easy to edit a To Do or note by selecting the item in any list view. With a note, a double click is necessary to bring up the full edit view instead of just the note text.
Saving or Canceling Changes
When you create or edit a new item, you can cancel the action at any time by selecting the Back button at the top left of the view. None of your modifications take effect until you select the Save button on the top right of the view. You can always review all your changes before you select the Save button.
Items will be saved automatically in the location you create them. Items created in the To Do list view will be saved in your Unfiled items folder.
Features of To Do's and Notes
You have a number of features available with To Dos and notes, such as assigning Tags and Location Tags, assigning a Priority, Star, Status, Work Time, Due Dates, Repeat, and Alarm notifications. These items are all discussed in detail in their own help section. All of these features are optional.
Moving Items
In the edit view, you can quickly move items to another folder or goal using the option at the bottom displaying the folder location of your item. Moving items can change some of their features, such as tags or location tags they inherit from their folders.